Friday 7 August 2015

OMG - has it really been 2 years since I last did anything on here? I'm so so sorry about my tardiness.

A lot has happened in this time. We sold the house in Mara and Dad and Jim bought a large house on Vancouver Island near Duncan. it's big enough for us all to live in it on different floors, but it is built on a slope so both floors have entrances at ground level, so though there are two staircases I don't HAVE to use either of them when coming in from outside, which is cool. One has quite shallow steps so if I have to go upstairs I can use that one. Still really hard work but if I take it slowly its OK.

Jim's business is doing really well and they incorpoated it recently. Jim is now Chief Engineer and Company Secretary and his business partner is CEO. They won a contract to develop some medical software as well as some other projects too.

I attended a wine & cheese reception with Jim to celebrate the incorporation and met some of their customers! All very interesting, but not all that much to eat, so Jim, ever mindful of my figure, slipped out to a bakery nearby to where it was held and got me some pastries. I hid round the back of the building to eat them and Jim took this piccie! It does show off the Great Stomach rather too well...

On a personal level, I alternate between my [monthly ;)] depressions about my size and how it handicaps me and stops me from being as useful as I ought to be and feelings of excitement about still growing. Under Jim's supervision I have gained another 90 lbs in the last two years. My doctor (the one who delivered me 23 years ago) still tut-tuts and tells me I really should have a gastric bypass and lose some weight. I had a blood test a few months ago which said I am pre-diabetic with a rather high blood sugar level. There's a reason for that actually... I was supposed to fast for 12 hours before the test, but I woke up around 3 a.m. as usual feeling hungry and I had two blueberry muffins with butter in my half-asleep state and went back to bed again. I went for the blood test at 9 a.m. and the nurse asked if I had fasted for 12 hours. Of course I couldn't admit I hadn't, so they did the test. That's why it showed a rather high blood sugar level! I reckon if I had fasted for 12 hours it would have been quite normal!

I wasn't able to do too much to help with the great move, but I did sit and pack small things into boxes with plenty of wrappings etc. I can still fit into Jim's big Ford, though it's a bit of a performance to get me in and out again. In my more depressed moments I feel like I am getting immobile, but at other times I'm determined not to be!

In May I celebrated my 23rd birthday and we had a huge dinner just like Thanksgiving! I am so thankful that I am able to give Jim pleasure and still have my health, even though not all that much mobility.

Well, that will have to do for the moment!

Love & Hugz to you all!
