Monday 26 November 2012

Hi Y’All J

I’m soooo sorry I haven’t put anything on here for such a long time. A lot has been happening since the last entry but one!

One of my friends asked if I could add some of my older pics as he has lost them.
In November 2009 I went to a weight loss clinic in Toronto to talk about having a gastric balloon fitted to stop me eating so much.  I t was fitted in February 2010 and my weight fell from 268 kilos to 222 by August, and I lost 16 inches from my hips and lower tummy and 12 inches from the waist. The idea was that I would then have a gastric bypass, but I couldn’t agree that I really wanted to. It would mean never enjoying food again ever….., never having a proper meal again. That’s what I live for! In May I got a part time job at the local gas station run by a guy Dad knows. I felt more like taking exercise then, and here’s a pic of me at a car show in July 2010 with Jim and Jason. By June 2011 I was back up to 264 kilos L despite trying to cut down on eating. I was still trying not to eat as much as I had been.

Jim got a job with an electronics outfit in Kamloops in September 2011 and has been loving it! He stayed with a family who had a spare room to rent at first.

At Christmas 2011 I weighed again when Jim got back from Kamloops for the holiday and it was 269 kilos – hooray! It’s slowing down at least, but still the heaviest I’d been. There’s a pic of me admiring the snow in our yard.

All this year I seem to have been soooo busy. This fall we have been looking at apartments in Kamloops for Jim, so I can stay there with him sometimes J. Not to live all the time, worse luck, but maybe for a week or two sometimes.

Did you see those shows on TLC TV, My 600 lb Life? I feel soooo sorry for those girls (and guys too, I guess) coz they seemed to be sad and desperate themselves. Some of their families were quite unkind too. It looks like they were eating for comfort and lots of junk food. I think that can change the way you think in itself. It made me feel how incredibly lucky I am! I have Mom and Dad who really love me whatever, and Jim who does too! I have lots of special conveniences too, like my own bathroom. It was refitted 4 years ago with a central drain in the room so its all like one huge shower room. There’s tons of water at whatever temperature you set. I have a special higher toilet with a bidet attachment thingy that sprays warm water and has warm air drying too. Dad did all that to make life easier for me. Sure its hard being this size, as those guys on the TV showed. Moving around is hard, getting up from a chair can be a challenge, but it can be OK if those around you love you and care for you! I’m the size I am coz I love to eat. I look forward to every meal, even if its something we have quite often. There’s always something a little bit different about the flavours or the texture. If its something new its even better!

I’m also incredibly lucky that my health is OK. I don’t have fluid accumulating in the legs (I think its caused by poor circulation). Sure my legs are fat, but they are soft and floppy, not hard and swollen. My cholesterol is OK, and my blood pressure isn’t bad and I’m nowhere near being diabetic, so that’s all good. Sometimes I think about those guys on the TV and wonder how they are getting on. I hope they are happier now.

Sometimes I think about that Susanne Eman. She’s around 800 lbs and eating huge amounts to gain more weight! She’s as happy as can be and has a guy who’s a chef making special meals for her! She’s about 90 kilos heavier than me. She also had the world’s largest wedding dress made!!! I hope she makes it OK. Then she suddenly said that she was only about 550 lbs. How can you be wrong by that amount, and anyway, she looks much bigger than me! I read only recently that since she appeared on the Dr Phil show he changed her mind and now she's trying to lose weight.

When you are around 270 kilos, you can’t just go and buy clothes. Either you wear shapeless tent dresses (I hate them) or you have clothes made or altered to fit your own size and shape. I get some on the Internet, but Mom has a friend who’s a genius at altering things. We big girls are all different shapes, and I have a huge tummy that hangs down quite a lot (maybe you noticed LOL). Pants have to be cut so that there’s plenty of material to cover it. Really I like snug fitting pants so that they hold it in a bit, but that means I grow out of them quicker <G>. I do have a support belt that I wear sometimes if I’m going to do a lot of standing. It makes it easier for my back, but its hard to get it on without help, as its about 10 feet long, made of strong elastic with a fleecy inside. It kinda wraps around and overlaps with Velcro when its tight enough. Dad made me a thing like a thick iron bar fixed to the wall in my bedroom and a sliding clamp thingy on it so you can move the clamp up and down on it so it can be anywhere from hips to waist height. You fix one end of the belt in the clamp and wrap the other end around yourself where you want to wear it. You shuffle round in a kinda circle leaning away from the wall so you pull the belt as tight as you want, then you can release the clamp and press the end of the belt down so it stays put  with the Velcro. Jim likes it when I wear it. He says while it holds in my lower tummy, it makes it bulge out even more higher up! He’s BAAADDD!!! If I wear it lower down it supports me better and doesn’t stop me eating all I want LOL.

No, I'm NOT showing you a pic of it LOL!

Last year I had my annual medical check. I was up to 275 kilos – only 6 kilos gained in 9 months! I was quite pleased, but the Dr keeps on talking about more weight loss procedures like a gastric bypass…..AGAIN! I HATE the idea. He sent me to a nutritionist who talks about not just dieting but a whole change in life style if I want to live to be old. She goes on about portion management. Yeah! I LIKE that – I have the largest portions I can manage J. I hope that’s OK with her…..! I try to keep active but walking is hard when your legs get tired and you get puffed so easily. I still go swimming when I can, and I keep pedalling Dad’s pianola piano, coz my legs don’t hurt if I do that. I might have to have a scooter to get around on when I go live with Jim. In the same 9 months, Mom gained 10 kilos! She’s very worried about it and wonders if we should both have a gastric bypass. Hey Mom, go girl! You might catch me up if you really try!

 A pic of me at the pool at a hotel I went to with Jim when we went to America in November 2011.

 I did get out a bit in the Autumn (Fall) this year - we visited a store that sells lovely fleecy coats for Winter, but they didn't have one big enough :(

I spent some of last Sunday helping Dad stack logs for the winter heating. Really I think he could do it quicker by himself, but its great to spend time with him. I can’t do all that much really. I can’t bend to pick them up and I can’t reach all that high to stack them, so Dad picks them up and passes them to me and I put them where I can. After half an hour Mom brought us some chilled apple juice, very welcome! Somehow a Bounty chocolate bar appeared from somewhere – not sure how Dad does that, but we have this secret – we don’t tell Mom coz she wouldn’t approve! (She won’t be reading this – I hope!) He tells me about stuff he’s doing at work, what he’s seen at antiques stores he’s visited, things on ebay and all sorts. It’s just lovely being with him.

I’m 21 next May (2013), and Mom and Dad gave me some more good news. Dad’s father (my grand dad) apparently decided when I was very young that I would probably need some income as I probably wouldn’t be able to work full time, so he set up a trust fund for me. It matures on my 21st birthday YAY! I don’t know how much I will get, but its SOOOOO kind of him. A pity he doesn’t live around here – he’s 76 and in a sheltered accommodation apartment in Ontario. I will write to him so I can thank him properly.

You guys have a GREAT Christmas and I'll try to add a bit more around then.

Love Y'All :)



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