Wednesday 15 May 2013

Hi Y'All :)

It was my 21st yesterday and we had a blast. Mom and Dad arranged a mid-afternoon 'brunch' at a restaurant in Kelowna and my cousins and friends mostly turned up - cool! Some of them brought wine, which was OK coz the restaurant does amazing food but doesn't have a bar license so if you bring your own that works for them. It was great to see everyone. I made a real piggy of myself I'm sorry to say - no, I'm NOT sorry to say <LOL>!

Jim has been here since Saturday which was awesome and it was SOOOO good to see him - he hasn't had time to come here since Easter. He is still loving his work which is just great and I am so happy for him. All I want now is for us to get married and then I can move to Kamloops to be with him :) When we can afford it....

There was loads to eat at the brunch and Jim helped me choose lots of delicious stuff.

At one point my cousin Chris got me a big hunk of sponge cake and said I bet you can't eat all of that in the time it takes for me to open this bottle of wine and pour six glasses. I saw it was the kind with a cork and he had been opening screw ones before so I said Of course I can! He bet me $50 I couldn't <G> - I guess he thought it was a screw-top bottle like the rest were. By the time he had found a cork screw I was already half way through the cake, and I just finished it in time! I didn't have time to taste it much but I did win $50 from Chris!!! Ha! Ha!

Jim and I and the Aged Parents had booked into a hotel and in the evening Jim and I went to a night club. We listened to a great band and I even managed to dance with Jim for a while. We also drank about 3 pints of beer each and it was just as well that the hotel was joined on to the restaurant <LOL>.

We got home again earlier today and it's good to be home again but it was a fantastic party!

If any of you who were there is reading this, thanks Guys - I love you all! I've got a piccie I might put up later.

Big Hugz



  1. My congratualtions with birthday, with becoming absolutely adult (21 y/o), and with winning the bet!
    May you open a "" website were people will bet whether you can eat tons of food in a short time? (joke). Yeah, stuffing (eating a lot fast) has a big disadvetage, you don't have lot of time to feel the taste of food well :)

    Greetings and congratulations from Olga!
    She is making pancakes right now.
    Olga opened not only the knitted things store at
    but also opened a youtub channel with videos to show how ther knitings looks on herself. I helped her with uploading of first video there^
    We have few video to upload. Hope people will be happy to see that somebody knits swinsuits etc for REAL wolen LOL
    Greetings to Jim.

    1. Hi Kostya!

      Big Thanks! Yeah, you don't get to taste the food like it should be - I wouldn't want to do that often LOL! Definitely not with REAL food. I guess sponge cake doesn't count as that though. I did REALLY enjoy the brunch!

      Great about the YouTube channel! I will look at it soone! Congats to Olga and you too of course.


