Sunday 15 September 2013

Thoughts on things...

Hi Everyone :)

One or two people have mentioned that this blog is very self-centred and just 'all about me' and food. In a way that's what its meant to be, but of course I do have views and opinions on all sorts of other subjects. I am concerned about climate change, I do encourage and practice recycling, I do what I can to reduce energy consumption in the home, I do read about the Canadian political system and have views on our politicians, their performance, corruption, taxation policy and lots of other aspects of life in general, but there are loads of blogs covering that sort of thing, so I don't really feel they are appropriate subjects for mine. I am more personally concerned about how the world impacts the lives of those of us who are physically larger than average and what can be done about it. I was pleased to read only yesterday about three plus-size models who are optimistic about the fashion industry and its approach to larger sizes of clothes. At last it seems designers are becoming aware that the size of the average female is quite a lot larger than it was 20 years ago. OK, they will never make what I need, but I am lucky in that when I was a junior and later a teen that there were far more plus size kids' clothes available than when Mom was a child. I read with concern the approach that some airlines have regarding larger passengers, requiring them to puchase two seats to accomodate their size, but then not guaranteeing that the two seats will be next to each other! I don't think I'll be flying with those, if at all! Stand up the reader who said the aircraft wouldn't be able to take off if I was on it!

I know there are people following this blog without actually being followers, if you see what I mean. I get private emails about the stuff I post on it from time to time. One or two have asked why Jim and I are waiting so long to get married. Mostly the reasons are practical, certainly not due to lack of desire <G>. That is one of the down sides to being my size - you have to think about living arrangements. Where I live with Dad and Mom is large and basically open plan. The kitchen is huge with plenty of room to move around it. Where Jim and I would live after the wedding needs careful thought. For example, most doorways are 30". I can get through a doorway that size but I have to turn sideways and squish my tummy in to do it. Therefore to be comfortable the living space either should not have doors or have doorways that are at least 34" wide. We have a washroom off our laundry room that has a 26" doorway. I was just able to get through it when I was 16 but since then its been off limits!!! Front doors are usually 36", so no problem with them. I don't do stairs, or at least, only slowly with stops for rest, so all level would be good. If there's room for the BellyBuggy (its latest name!) that would be good too. A bathroom shower would have to be large enough for me, the toilet has to be taller than average and have 'disabled' grab rails near it. A bath tub is a non-starter. The kitchen needs to be large enough, but sensibly designed so that I wouldn't have to walk around it more than necessary. Cupboards not too high and not too low. A pillar oven, not one on a stove under the burners.

The bedroom needs thought too - I need a King bed, ideally an electric riser chair (also in the living area), a place to keep various accessories such as the extending grab that I use to pick up dropped items from the floor, the tape sock-puller thingy I use to get socks etc on, a large enough walk-in closet for clothes etc.

Also I would need help around the house, cleaning etc. There's a lot of things I just can't do. Electric appliances are a great help these days, so we would need somewhere to keep them.

All this costs a lot of money, and I am so grateful to Dad and Mom for providing so much to make life more comfortable around home. Now that Jim has a great job offer and I have an inheritance, the financial aspects become more possible! So watch this space for wedding news! I hope it will happen this year!

The last of the peaches are around now - we bought some HUGE ones at the farmer's market on Saturday. So huge I could only eat one for breakfast! ME! The girl who can manage a 16oz steak easily and a 32oz one just...... Mom and Dad had half a peach each.....




  1. It is just a stereotype that if you are fat then you don't have any other interests, and just chew 24*7 even when you sleep or having the bath

  2. Hi, Katie!
    Got some free time, so writing my few lines here.
    About photos.
    You are beautiful, remember that! :)
    My congrats on Jim progress!
    Hope he will be able to spend more time with you when all this stuff will stabilize.
    Orleana keeps gaining her weight back, she climbed up to 92 kilos already and we both very happy on that!
    We bought a new notebook for her since previous got so unstable on powering on and working after 4 years of his life, that we need to replace it.
    It was without Windows, but quite cheap, so i installed Ubuntu there. It works very well, and i have to say that Linux got more user friendly for that. Penguin Tux (Linux symbol) can be happy :)
    Well, a new elections are coming here in Georgia, we are quite stressed about them.
    The main problems with elections here are:
    1) many pro-russian candidates, and the ortodoxal chuch is full of russian spies, including the Patriach, who is an old KGB agent (50 years of service for KGB!). I can't understand the people who is still believe him.
    In more developed countries like Canada or Australia, this is just not impossible for a pseudo-rich man, controlled by Kremlin, and member of Russian mafia, to say "i am going into politics", throw a lot unreal promises out, and win with his mad coalition the parliamentary elections, like here happened on 1st October 2012... Of course, his victory was not absolute as he desired, he dos not got constitutional majority, so Kremlin decided to press on Georgia even more and moved the occupation bit line closer to Tbilisi where we live, These ad soldiers placed borders inside villages so that people going sleep on one side, and wake up on other. Today people of these villages blocked from harvesting food from their fields, use water sources got on recently grabbed territory on other side of new border, can't visit the chemistry anymore, and it seems that land where the school is, can be occupied too. some people says tat police almost left these villages, officials too afraid of Russia or too controlled by KGB to do anything. I guess that there are only a two ways to stop Russia: a) kill Putin, may be even with a missile which will explode the Putin and Medvedev and destroy the so called Lubyanka (main KGB office) and Kremlin (the symbol of Russian power). and b) a protective line like the famous Mannerheim Line must be built here near the occupation line. Kremlin will throw out lot of lives of his young and stupid soldiers (smart people tend to migrate away from Russia) to break this line, and Russian people may be make a new revolution and Russia will break in a few smaller countries, may be, like the USSR did. The ending of Russia is what we are dreaming about so strong....
    Hope i did not wrote all this too boring...
    Kostya and Olga aka Orleana
