Tuesday 10 September 2013

Out with Jim

Hi Y'all!

Jim took a few days holiday and we went down to Vernon (a bit south of where we live in the Okanagan Valley). He bought a new (well, pre-owned) car - a Ford Crown Victoria, which is easier for me to get into. His old car was getting to be a bit of a tight fit! The Crown Vic has much more room and with the seat right back its really comfy :)  We passed a place, the Old Log Barn, that advertised Pumpkin Pies and Butter pastries, so we had to stop LOL. I love pies of all sorts and pumpkin ones are the best if well made. We bought a family size one and lots of other stuff too. Jim only wanted a slice of the pumpkin pie, so I ate the rest of it in the car :) It was DELISH!!!

Then we went on to the Canadian Superstore. Its HUGE! I normally couldn't walk round much at all, but we just got a wheeled walking frame that makes it much easier to get around on a level floor. It has four wheels and a guy Dad knows who does welding and stuff made it much wider and lowered the seat (I don't need to sit on it) and made it into a kind of shelf. I can hitch my tummy up on it and it takes a lot of the weight so its much easier to walk around. A great blessing! We bought lots of food to take home.

On the way back we went to a truck stop place we know near Sicamous and had a great meal for not much money. Jim had a loaded burger and I had a chicken pot pie with mashed potato and sweet corn cob as well as corn chowder and apple pie for afters:) It was great!

Jim has been offered a job by a guy just starting a new business designing electronics things. He really wants Jim and offered him a much bigger salary which is great! It means we can start to make plans about getting married YAY!!!! :)

I have been trying to look up about that Susanne Eman to see how she is getting on. She wanted to keep getting fatter but then decided to lose weight instead. She started off weighing quite a lot more than me, but last Christmas she said she had a healthy Christmas dinner and had 30 lbs to go to get to 450 lbs. I can't find anything about her since and wondered if she has lost more. Its not fair, coz she wanted to get fatter, and now she's smaller than me! I don't want to get fatter but it just kinda happens :( Does anyone know how she's doing?

Must go!

Big hugz and I love you all!



  1. Hi Katie

    Sounds like you had a great time! A Crown Vic eh? Jim going up market LOL?

    You say you don't want to get fatter, but you eat a family size pumpkin pie and a big meal at a truck stop? Could that be something to do with it? Not that I mind , I think you are great!



    1. Hey Jason

      Careful! You're not saying I eat too much I hope?? I have to eat a lot, coz there's a lot of me to keep going .

      Seriously, I'm not trying to put on weight, I'm just enjoying life, and eating is one of my great joys.



    2. Hi Katie

      I really wasn't meaning to be impolite, because I think the world of you! Just that when I saw you in Revelstoke in July I was a bit shocked, because you looked quite a bit bigger than when I saw you last, at least 18 months or maybe 2 years ago, and you looked like you were having trouble walking. You didn't look like you were enjoying life much just then.
      I would have crossed the street to chat, but I was already late for an appointment, and I thought I could catch you afterwards. I felt sure you would be in one of the cafes or restaurants, but I couldn't find you, so I guess you had left by then.

      Love and hugs


    3. Hey Jason

      Sure, I guess I am bigger than I was 18 months or 2 years ago, and walking has never really been my thing. It will be much easier now I have the BellyDolly (that's what Jim & I decided to call it!). Dad is getting it fitted with wheels with pump-up tyres so it will be OK on sidewalks and places.

      I don't remember you having a problem with my walking when you used to take me to that buffet restaurant. Please don't worry about me, if you were. I know you're just being a friend. I do have fun with Jim in our own way and enjoy life with him.



  2. Hey Katie

    I found a pic of you when we went to that night club in 2010 - do you remember? Mind if I post it?



    1. Hey Jason :)

      2010? You mean when I was slimmer(!). I think you would have to send it to me to upload, but I'm not sure.


