Friday 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hi :)

I just wanted to say Hi and Happy Christmas to all my friends :) We have been having a great time making a Christmas Cake and mincemeat pies and lots of appies and stuff - we have 16 people coming for dinner on Christmas Day! I hope it will all be ready..... It will be like every Christmas - huge turkey, roast potatoes and sweet potatoes and parsnips and Brussels sprouts and loads of other things too and apple pie (my favourite!) with whipping cream and chocolate gateaux and ice cream.... I'm feeling hungry just writing about it LOL. I'm still going through the piccies of the California trip - there's more than 200 of them and I'm re-naming them so I remember where they all were.

Jim is here (YAY!) its great having him around again :) He brought me a big tub of assorted nuts as well as Toblerones and other choccies - yummy! - I love the cashews and the walnuts and all the others :) I guess if I did lose any weight on Dad's trip its all back on again now :)

Have a really wonderful Christmas and I'll try to write more in 2012.



Monday 5 December 2011

To California!

Dad asked me 'Hey, do you want to come with me on a trip to California?' Of course! He had some business to do there and was taking his truck, so he thought it would be good to make a little vacation out of it. Mom didn't want to go so it was just Dad and me. I guess I slowed it down a bit for him coz I can't rush about too much.....

We drove all the way down Idaho then into Nevada and over to Los Angeles and on the way back we went to Nevada again and then back through Utah. It was soooo cool to see all those places I read about! We stayed at lots of hotels. Some were brilliant and some not so much, but they were all interesting. The worst one for me was the Hollywood Historic Hotel coz it doesn't have an elevator and the rooms are all up the stairs.... I don't do stairs really, but I had to and it was hard and I got so puffed doing it LOL. It was great to stay there really coz so many of the old film stars did. It was built in 1923 I think. There are pics of all the stars all along the passages where the rooms are! I think the best hotel was the Ashley Hotel in Cascade in Idaho. It was all new and beautiful! They were decorating it for Christmas and there was free milk and cookies at 8 p.m. each night.

We had some awesome food too! Dad doesn't always think of keeping me supplied with snacks in the truck like Jim does, but we did go to some fantastic food places. I think I may have lost a little coz there was a lot of walking to do.

I'll do a bit more later and post some piccies.



Sunday 4 December 2011

Hey Kostya and Olga :) Its great to hear from you - I have missed you like crazy!

BIG hugz


Friday 14 October 2011

Canadian Thanksgiving

We had  GREAT meal :) Thank God I wasn't in hospital for it. It was Monday October 10th and we had 15 people for the dinner. Mostly friends and such. We had a big ham, a 30 lb turkey, and cranberry jelly, yam bake, green bean bake, sausages wrapped in bacon, roasted potatoes, roasted parsnips, brussels sprouts, carrots and three big apple pies with ice cream for dessert. There was plenty for seconds and I felt REAL stuffed :) I love to feel like that LOL. I was back in hospital on Wednesday & Thursday for more tests. They said my blood oxygen level was OK and the dizzy things were the inner ear thingy I had a few years ago come back, so that was great news! I didn't want it to be a heart thing, even though its still going a bit quick. They gave me deep breathing exercises to do (about the only exercise I don't mind doing <G>) which help slow it down and help the blood oxygen level.

I'm still writing up notes about our vacation trip and I'll put them on here when I've done. Also a few piccies I guess.



Wednesday 5 October 2011

Back home

Hi Y'all

I'm sorry I haven't written anything but I've been in hospital. Since we got home (had an  awesome time - I made lots of notes and I've started to write them up and I'll post them when I have) I've been having dizzy spells and passed out twice. Dad & Mom took me to the ER and they admitted me for tests. One Dr says the oxygen level in my blood is low and my brain was a bit starved. He thinks my weight is stopping my lungs inflating fully. Another one thinks my heart is going too fast and that might make dizzy spells, even though my BP is OK. I've got some pills and am home again right now to see what happens, but I go back in again for more tests next week.



Friday 8 July 2011

Trying to lose weight

I've been really trying to starve since the last blog coz I know I really should. Its been horrid and I just weighed. I lost ONLY half a kilo in 5 days. I hoped it would be more. I worked out if I REALLY starve for 5 YEARS I would be down to Mom's weight and if I carried on for another THREE years I might be down to what the height/weight charts say I ought to be..... Then they say that your weight loss slows down after you've been dieting for a while, so it might be 6 or 7 years to reach Mom's weight and 10 to get to what it should be..... GRRRRR!!!! Its CRAZY and I can't do it. Its been real hard for 5 days, I guess I'd die LONG before I could do it for even 1 year. Jim says he would much rather have me fat and happy than sad and dieting...... I guess I'll go to the buffet restaurant with him and forget about starving.... :)



Sunday 3 July 2011

Sorry not to have been around for a while

I've been feeling a bit down lately. I just haven't felt like blogging or doing much email or anything. I've just been like asking myself what I'm doing living my life like this. I'm only 19, and yet everything is such an effort these days, even getting up from a chair. Walking is no longer a pleasure, I can't do stairs and even a few steps have me panting. What will it be like when I'm 29? The trouble is that when I'm depressed I eat for comfort and when I'm happy I eat for pleasure, so I never lose any weight.

I had to visit the Doctor's surgery last week coz my knee got really painful and started to swell up a bit. Mom and I got there and got in the elevator, as the surgery is on the 2nd floor. I pressed the button to make it go up and it just beeped and wouldn't close the doors. I tried again and it did the same again. There was a guy with a big box waiting to use it. He asked if we ladies would mind getting out for a moment and he would check it out. He got in and the doors closed. He opened them again and got his box and suggested Mom get in, so she did and it went up OK. Then it came down again and I got in and went up. The guy just grinned and said he was glad to help.

I hadn't seen the Dr for more than a year. He looked at me and shook his head. 'That gastric balloon didn't do you any good, did it?', he said. He looked at my knee and felt it and said he thought I had just sprained it. He said keep your weight off it as much as possible and walk with a cane for the moment and rest it as much as possible and take a Tylenol (pain killer) tablet when needed. He made me get on his scale and it was 276.1 kilos. He said 'Katie, I'm not surprised your legs hurt. They are carrying the equivalent of five people and they aren't designed to do that. I can see you aren't comfortable sitting in that chair. Your tummy is overflowing your lap and your breathing doesn't sound too good. You know you are slowly digging your grave with your teeth. You can't expect to have a very long life at your size. If you could only lose about 100 lbs you would feel much more comfortable, and I would feel much happier about you.' Yeah, sure, if I only could.... He said my blood pressure was a bit high but not as high as he expected, and I'm nowhere near diabetic, so that was good at least. He thought I should take medication if my BP goes any higher. It was agreed that I should register as disabled, as then we could park the car anywhere when we get the badge and I wouldn't have to walk much. So we signed all the forms and the Dr said he would deal with them. That made me feel even more depressed......

Mom and I got back in the elevator and pressed the down button and it just beeped again and wouldn't work. Then I saw a label that said Licensed for a maximum of 6 people or 400 KG. I guess Mom and I together were just overloading it..... I felt SOOOO embarrased as there were more people waiting to use it, so Mom got out and I went down and then she came down with two other guys.

I haven't really done much since then except rest my knee. I've had to give up the job at the gas station until it gets better, but the boss says I can come back when it does. I hope it will be quite soon.

Sunday 5 June 2011


Dad recently showed me some old family photos from long ago. I think they might explain my genes, as several of the ladies were heavy. Most of the men seem to have been about average size. We don't have many pictures, but here are a few of them.

The first is my Great Great Grandmother on Mom's side. She was called Anne and there's a photo of her when she was 11.

This is Anne taken in 1919 when she was 30.

She had a daughter called Ella, who married a guy called Schmidt, but we don't know his first name right now. They had two daughters called Anne and Jane, and several sons. This Anne was Mom's mother, my Grandmother.

Here's Ella, aged 10.

And here's Ella aged about 30 with her Mom, Anne.

Anne seems to have lost some weight by then.

On Dad's side his father, my Grandfather, married Rebecca, who was the daughter of Geraldine, my Great-Grandmother. She died in 2003 aged 90, and I remember meeting her. I was 11 when she died. She was tall and quite slim then, but she had been quite heavy when she was younger. She used to go Tut-Tut every time she saw me getting bigger.... She had a sister called May who was 5 years younger than her. May was very fat and weighed 300 lbs when she was 8. She had a 64" waist then! That's much bigger than I was at that age!

That's May aged 8. She looks lovely! She died in 1952, probably of a heart attack. She was only 34 :( Great Grandmother told us that May was a jolly lady and was always hungry! She didn't remember what May weighed as an adult, but she had a job to move around and went purple in the face if she did too much. She loved to eat bread and dripping - that's the fat that comes out of roast meat when its cooking. I guess they knew less about healthy eating back then! Dad thinks she probably had high blood pressure. I only weighed about 135 lbs when I was 8!
This is me when I was 8. I looked quite cute back then LOL!

So I guess that's where the genes came from - heavy ladies on both Dad's and Mom's side.

Wednesday 1 June 2011


Dad took us (Mom and me) to Barkerville in April for Mom's birthday. Its an awesome place, an old prospecting town where gold prospectors lived and its full of old preserved buildings. Now there are guys acting like the original people so you can see a real blacksmith making things and a photographer with a real old fashioned camera with a big black cloth. Its soooo cool, we stayed there all day!

This is the old church. There was a minister preaching in it! He was an actor really - he had a big beard!


These two are of the photographer's shop. There's the old camera with a black cloth on it so they could see the picture and loads of chemicals.

Two views of the school room. There's only one room for all the kids!

 This was a cool stage coach! It was quite noisy but looked great! I think it must have been very bumpy and I don't think I would fit in it easily. I'm so glad we have cars now!

The blacksmith shop. He had a real fire going and was making things for people to buy!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Old blogs from Yahoo

TITLE: Spring is here!
DATE: 05/10/11 04:54 pm
STATUS: publish
Hi YÁll!<br><br>Well the snow has all gone and the Spring flowers are blooming and birds are arriving, its getting quite warm in the sun so I guess Spring is here and the Summer will be soon! Jim came home for the summer last week YAY! and he got the job at the open air museum near here again, so he can earn some money :) I love the summer mainly coz Jim is around, but I hate it if it gets too hot coz I just feel like melting. I guess that&#39;s part of the downside of being my size.... In the winter I can cover up with big coats and sweaters etc but in the heat I have to wear light clothes like shorts and shirts, and you cant hide the tummy and&nbsp;the fat rolls under those :( So I guess folks will just have to put up with seeing me as I am. I&#39;m bigger this year than I was last coz then I had the balloon and I couldn&#39;t eat much, but I&#39;ve had a winter of lovely feeding so I guess I&#39;m probably as big as I ever was..... Jim hasn&#39;t persuaded me to get on the scale yet and I&#39;m dreading the result when he does. I&#39;ve tried on a few of last year and the year before&#39;s gear and some of it is way too tight, but some fits Ok still :)<br><br>Its around now that I wish I was half the size, coz then I could move around easier and not feel like I&#39;m going to just melt in the heat.<br><br>Anyway, have a great Summer Guys :)<br><br>Hugz<br><br>Katie
TITLE: I feel so much BETTER!
DATE: 10/26/10 07:35 am
STATUS: publish
I&#39;ve been feeling so much better since I had the balloon out! I just didn&#39;t feel great with it in. Its hard to say just how I didn&#39;t, but now its out I feel happy, I sleep better and I wake up looking forward to what the day will bring and what I will get to eat today! OK so I&#39;m putting back on the weight I lost, but I don&#39;t care, its just great to feel like normal again LOL.<br><br>Jim is coming home for Halloween YAY so maybe we will go out for a meal G. I hope so.<br><br>Have a great Halloween guys!<br><br>Hugz<br><br>Katie
TITLE: My Holiday with Jim
DATE: 10/08/10 12:55 pm
STATUS: publish
<br>We had a great time. We drove around in his car looking at cool places like Ghost towns. We went to Trout Lake, which isn&#39;t a ghost town but is VERY old like a prospector&#39;s town. There&#39;s a real old hotel still being used and we had coffee there. We went to Beaton which is quite near Trout Lake too. There&#39;s not much there now, just a few old wood buildings. Jim took a pic of me outside one. Those old guys must have been real skinny, coz there&#39;s no way I could get through the door LOL. It was locked anyway so I didn&#39;t try. We went to lots of other places too.<br><br>Jim came back from school for Thanksgiving last night. He brought some humongeous chocolate bars and took a pic of me eating one G. I think it would be better if I didn&#39;t wear that belt. Its the only place it will fit LOL. I think I&#39;m losing my waist. I did have one but since I&#39;ve been eating more again its kinda disappeared. Weird.<br><br>Happy Thanksgiving!<br><br>Hugz<br><br>Katie
DATE: 09/19/10 10:26 am
STATUS: publish
<br>Hey<br><br>I had it out on Aug 13th. I didn&#39;t feel very well for a day or 2 I guess its that stuff they use to numb your throat so the can put tubes down it. It feels GREAT not to feel like bloated and hungry at the same time all the time! I lost 46 kilos, 16 inches from my hips/lower tummy (I guess mostly the tummy, the hips look just as big LOL) and 12 inches from the waist, like after the balloon was out. With it in I guess there wasn&#39;t a waist LOL as it made my tummy stick out a lot. It sure felt like it did and I could feel it all the time. Jim said he could see it but he guessed other people wouldn&#39;t notice. I think it made me look like I was kinda pregnant. It was weird coz I went all flabby and floppy and soft all over. Before I was kinda firm and my tummy felt quite hard under the fat, so you could like bounce off it, but it lost all that. Mom says I look better for losing some, Jim says he liked it best before I lost and Dad just grins and says he loves me whatever my size and how I look :)<br><br>I did try to eat kinda sensible for a while and then I went on a holiday with Jim for 8 days and kinda gave up and ate loads :) It felt GREAT to be able to eat real food again and feel FULL for a while and not just bloated. Jim always takes me to great places and makes sure I get real full LOL. I gained 5 kilos since the balloon came out and I guess it was mostly Jim&#39;s fault LOL!<br><br>He&#39;s back at college again now so I&#39;m TRYING to be sensible again but its HARD.<br><br>Hugz<br><br>Katie
TITLE: More loss!
DATE: 07/26/10 08:27 am
STATUS: publish
Hey Everyone<br><br>I weighed again yesterday its 227 kilos. I lost 40 kilos now&nbsp;and 12&quot; off my hips/tummy. I think its slowing down though.&nbsp;I guess its kinda good that I lost some more.. I&#39;m having the balloon taken out in about 3 weeks. YAY!!!!&nbsp;Haven&#39;t booked the flight to Toronto yet though.<br><br>Mom is already on at me to make sure I&#39;m used to small portions (I&#39;m not - I hate it) &nbsp;and keep on losing weight even without the balloon. Jim says Hey you&#39;ll be able to eat loads again&nbsp;like you did before! I guess its a bit easier to get around with a bit less weight but it doesn&#39;t make much difference. I still get puffed if I walk far and my knees still hurt a bit. Otherwise I feel just the same and guys still look at me just the same saying OMG she&#39;s ginormous. I don&#39;t know if I should try to lose more (it will be VERY hard not to eat big portions again) or if I should just not worry and have fun in buffet&nbsp;restaurants LOL. Do you guys have any thing to suggest?<br><br>Love n Hugz<br><br>Katie
TITLE: Bit more loss and a piccy
DATE: 07/04/10 09:00 am
STATUS: publish
Hi Y&#39;All<br><br>I weighed this morning its 232.9 kilos so its still going down.....<br><br>I can get around a bit more now so I went to a car show and shine near here with Jim last Sunday and we met up with another guy we know called Jason. When Jim is away at college sometimes Jason takes me out for a meal LOL. He took a snap of me walking (a rare sight LOL) and I thought I&#39;d put it here so my friends can see it. <br><br>Have a great w/end.<br><br>Hugz<br><br>Katie
TITLE: Another Loss :)
DATE: 06/09/10 09:10 am
STATUS: publish
On Sunday it was 238.6 kilos. I think its getting a bit easier to move around and I managed to move some stock from the stock room to a shelf at the filling station! The room is very small (OK for most people I guess) and hard to turn round in it but I did it!<br><br>I&#39;m still SOOO tempted by all those choccy bars just next to me at the checkout! There&#39;s a guy who buys me one sometimes, and Jim does too of course!<br><br>Have a great week.
TITLE: Entry for May 24, 2010
DATE: 05/24/10 08:10 am
STATUS: publish
Jim came round yesterday and we weighed - I&#39;m down to 244 kilos. I lost 2.6 ks this week I don&#39;t know why coz I think I ate as much as last week (it was only 1.8 ks last week). Hey I&#39;ve lost 6&quot; from my tummy and 5&quot; from the waist and 24 ks since I started. The Dr thinks it should be more :(<br><br>Its a long weekend this w/end coz its Victoria Day in Canada so a public holiday today. So I don&#39;t have to go to the filling station today. We have guests coming&nbsp;for dinner tonite and Mom and I are cooking roast lamb with new potatoes and broccoli and roasted parsnips and a BIG cheesecake with cream and chocolate :)) I&#39;m just a bit sad I won&#39;t be able to eat nearly as much as I could before the balloon..... :(<br><br>Have a great day!
TITLE: Entry for May 11, 2010
DATE: 05/11/10 09:15 am
STATUS: publish
At Sunday&#39;s weighing I was 248.4 kilos! Lost a bit more even though Jim kept tempting me LOL. Also I got a holiday job at the gas station here. I work 4 hour shifts 2 to 6 pm on Mondays Wednesdays &amp; Fridays. Mostly its sitting at the checkout and lots of guys pay at the pumps so I don&#39;t have to do anything, but I serve cigarettes and candy and drinks and stuff and the occasional guy who wants to pay cash. I did the first one yesterday. I was quite tired after it. Mom takes me and Dad fetches me in the evening. I get $10 per hour! Jim came in and filled his car and bought me some Snickers and Mars bars. I think he doesn&#39;t want me to lose too much weight..... he&#39;s BAAAADDDD! But I love him!
TITLE: Entry for May 06, 2010
DATE: 05/06/10 02:22 pm
STATUS: publish
<span id="status-message">I weighed today and I&#39;m down to 251.1 kilos :) I don&#39;t really like the gastric balloon but it sure stops me eating as much...</span>